Friday, 18 January 2008

Healing Homosexuality?

My wife brought a website to my attention a while ago of a church called Exodus International. An international church who apparently specialise in healing homosexuals, or as they put it "For 30 years, Exodus has served men and women who are affected by homosexuality".

Now call me ignorant, but I did not genuinely consider that places or people like this existed. But apparently they do and it is a terrifying thought.

Funnily, on their board of directors are no less than two "ex-gays" and mental health practitioner! Really, someone qualified to guide people's mental health? They describe themselves as a non-judgmental church who lead sufferers out of the homosexual lifestyle into God-approved hetero-ness. They oppose the Gay-Gene Myth, gay marriage and gay parenting and are not shy to publish their "real life stories" of success and to obtain funding, donations and apparently prayers while they are at it.

At first we laughed. This is funny, right? They are ridiculous, right? Until we realised the size of them and the obvious influence they seem to have. It is funny until you realise how many people are living lies, with husbands, wives and children because they are trying so desperately hard to believe that the devil made them gay and that God could turn them straight.

It is funny until we realise how many people out there must be living estranged from their families, parents or siblings because God-fearing people like these have convinced them that is a choice to be gay, punishable by hell and fixable. Worst of all, that it is heal-able or fixable, like it is a disease.

I am proud to be gay, I am proud of my wife and I am proud of my family who have embraced us without question. God save us from all the people out there who believe they are doing God's work.

It just again brings home to me that we should not allow ourselves to be cast out, to be pushed around, to be judged and treated like we have a disease. We must simply not allow places and people like this to get a hold, because they might not realise the damage they are doing to people, but damage is definitely being done.

The A-Spot

The A-spot is also know as the Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone, or the Epicentre. It is a patch of sensitive tissue at the inner end of the vaginal tube between the cervix and the bladder.

Direct stimulation of this spot can produce violent orgasms and unlike the clitoris is not supposed to have post orgasmic oversensitivity.

Medically speaking, it is located just above the cervix at the innermost point of the vagina.

You can now even buy specific AFE vibrators, which are long, thin and upward curved at its end to stimulate this area.

When you and your partner decide to explore this area it is important to have two things: short finger nails (which I am sure every non-single lesbian has) and a lot of lubrication.

Slide a finger into your woman’s vagina along the upper vaginal wall (your palm towards her stomach) until your finger reaches a small protrusion. It will be very sensitive and feels like the end of the vagina. If you curl your finger upwards (in a come-hither motion) you can mover of the protrusion. Your finger at this time should be fully extended inside her and the tip in a very small space.

Now, apply pressure upwards, towards the ceiling and if you are in the right spot, your woman will have a beautiful orgasm. Continue to apply pressure and vibrate your finger. Often an A-spot orgasm can provoke female ejaculation.

So explore, enjoy and as always, listen to what your partner wants and more importantly does not want.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

The U-spot

The U-Spot

The U-spot is a small patch of sensitive erectile tissue located just above and on either side of the urethral opening (where you urinate from). If this region is gently caressed with either the finger or the tongue an unexpectedly powerful erotic response is created.

As explained in a previous post (below) powerful orgasms can cause female ejaculation from the urethral opening.

Fingers play a critical part into the stimulation of the U-spot, as does the tongue. Message your fingers from the clitoris to the opening of the vagina (remember to be gentle at all times). Message the U-spot carefully. Lubricated fingers work the best.

You can run your tongue gently over her clitoris, along the inside of her lips and in circular motion over her U-spot.

Remember that the pressure must not be too sharp or hard. This is also an area that must not be over stimulated and all care must be taken to remain hygienic in order to avoid urinary tract infection.

The orgasm begins with a sensation of urinary urgency which is ultimately replaced by orgasmic release. So explore, have fun and at all times be aware of your partner’s comfort and enjoyment.